Sunday, September 21, 2008

Thank You, Leaders!


Expo 08 was a blast! We'll have pics coming soon, but I wanted to say "Thank You!" to our amazing leaders that helped make this weekend a huge success! I am so proud of each and every one of you and I look forward to watching how God uses your gifts and abilities this next year to bless the women of our church and community.

Thank you to our very special guests that joined us: author Lakendra Lewis, Christian Women's Job Corps Director, Lil Abshier, and the Living the Life Conference team. We are so privileged to join with you in reaching our community for Christ!

And thank you to our BAF Pastors who have been a constant support to the ministry of JANES!

I had the privilege of commissioning our leaders on Saturday night and many of you have asked for a copy of it. I am posting it here and pray that you will keep it ever before you as you flourish into the leader that God created you to be. You have the power to change your world...the resurrection power of Christ who lives in you! I love you all!


JANES Leadership Commission 08
I am called.
I am set apart
To be a Leader.
God has specifically chosen me.
I have the resources, the creativity and the team
to change my world.
I will build up-not tear down.
I will encourage-not discourage.
I will love extravagantly.
I will not be afraid.
I will not shrink back.
I will not give up.
I am called.
I am set apart
To be a Leader.
And with my God
Everything is possible for me!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Childcare Training & Opportunity

Pastor Don and our wonderful BAF children's ministry leaders are hosting a volunteer training and they need our help in caring for the leaders' children while they meet. We are very blessed by the dedication of these volunteers and JANES has an opportunity to step up and give back. Please check your calendars and let us know if you are available to help out on Tuesday, September 23rd at 6:30 PM at the Corpus Campus. No training required and your teenagers are welcome to join us. We need all the help we can get! Contact Virginia at or call the church at 361-993-5900 to volunteer.

This is also an opportunity for anyone interested in signing up to help with childcare for our upcoming Bible Studies on Monday nights and Tuesday mornings. If you are interested in serving on our childcare team AND making a little extra money, please contact Virginia and let her know. This is a great opportunity for those who can't serve on the weekend but can commit to a 7-week study...for a season. Pastor Don will be leading the training and sharing the vision for this next year of children's ministry. This is a very exciting time in the history of our church and we are trusting that God will provide the team members that we need to make it all possible. If that's you, please join us!

Training & Vision Night: Tuesday, September 23rd - 6:30 PM

To help with caring for the leaders children OR to volunteer to serve on the JANES Childcare Team, contact Virginia!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Expo 08

JANES Expo 08
DATE: September 20-21
TIME: In Between all Weekend Services


We are so excited about the upcoming Expo where we will showcase all of the ministries that JANES has to offer this season. There are a few positions we are still hoping to fill and I thought I'd share with you some of them just in case you have felt the Lord nudging you!

*We are in need of more women's hometeam leaders. If you would like to lead a group, partner with another leader, or offer your home for a meeting place, please contact April.

*If you have the training and certification to lead an exercise group and feel that God has been leading you to share your gifts with our BAF women, we would love to visit with you. At this point, it is just an idea, but we feel that this may be a new opportunity for our JANES that we'd like to explore a little bit more. Contact April to share your ideas.

We have some exciting groups kicking off in 2 weeks, but we are still praying for more! If you have an idea that you'd like to share with us, please let us know by emailing us at! We would love to hear what God is showing you!

See you soon!


"Blessed is she who has believed that what the Lord has said to her will be accomplished." Luke 1:45

Friday, September 5, 2008

The Only that Counts...


As I sit at my computer and try to form sentences that actually make sense, the truth is I'm about to bust with excitement and I can't think straight! We are entering the beginning of a new season for women's ministry and I am so excited about all that God is doing! We have the Expo coming up, new bevies, coveys, hometeams and Bible studies, all starting up within the next month. We've also got some cool events planned and a conference you won't believe on the horizon!!! There is definitely a place for each and every woman to find her niche. I am praying that God will provide the leaders that we need (yes, we need more!). And I'm praying that each and every one of you will find sweet fellowship with other women and a deeper relationship with our God, who treasures you above all else.

There's lots going on around here, but I want you to know that JANES exists to build Christ-centered community with the women of BAF and our community. We have the people, the facilities and resources, and we have the Spirit of the Most High God who is our King. Nothing should be able to stop us from making a marked and irreversible difference in the lives of the women who cross our paths. So as you meet, grow together, and have some fun, I pray that you are always sensitive and aware of the spoken, and often unspoken, needs of those around you. I read, just this morning, a scripture that simplifies it for us and it is this:

"...The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love." Galatians 5:6b (NIV)

You have the ability to change your love your world. It's the power of Christ in you!

