Expo 08 was a blast! We'll have pics coming soon, but I wanted to say "Thank You!" to our amazing leaders that helped make this weekend a huge success! I am so proud of each and every one of you and I look forward to watching how God uses your gifts and abilities this next year to bless the women of our church and community.
Thank you to our very special guests that joined us: author Lakendra Lewis, Christian Women's Job Corps Director, Lil Abshier, and the Living the Life Conference team. We are so privileged to join with you in reaching our community for Christ!
And thank you to our BAF Pastors who have been a constant support to the ministry of JANES!
I had the privilege of commissioning our leaders on Saturday night and many of you have asked for a copy of it. I am posting it here and pray that you will keep it ever before you as you flourish into the leader that God created you to be. You have the power to change your world...the resurrection power of Christ who lives in you! I love you all!
JANES Leadership Commission 08
I am called.
I am set apart
To be a Leader.
God has specifically chosen me.
I have the resources, the creativity and the team
to change my world.
I will build up-not tear down.
I will encourage-not discourage.
I will love extravagantly.
I will not be afraid.
I will not shrink back.
I will not give up.
I am called.
I am set apart
To be a Leader.
And with my God
Everything is possible for me!