Tuesday, June 2, 2009

There Is a Season...

"There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven..." Ecc. 3.1

Summer is finally here! I always love the change of seasons and have been looking forward to summer for several weeks, anxious for my children to be home from school and looking forward to the fun of summer and the break from our school routine. We'll be spending lots of time at the beach and at the pool, we'll be grilling out all the time, and I'm so looking forward to our family vacation! Not to mention the fact that I won't be making one sack lunch for almost three months - wahoo! Of course when August rolls around, I'll be ready for it all to start over again and looking forward to the fall!

Well, as DeeDee has already let you know, this summer is also the change of seasons for Janes. I could not possibly be more excited about serving as the new leader of Janes, and I could not have asked for better preparation than to have followed DeeDee's wise and loving leadership for the last two years. From the very beginning she and I have been "kindred spirits" in the Lord and in our passion for you - the precious and amazing women of Bay Area Fellowship. I hope you have each had a chance to thank DeeDee for all that she has done to bring Janes to a place of tremendous "fruit-bearing" for the Kingdom of God! If you haven't had a chance yet, be sure to jot her a note or send her an email at bafjanes@yahoo.com. Don't miss this opportunity to express your thanks for how God has used her in your life and let her know! Everything that Janes has become is a direct reflection of the woman that DeeDee is - the glory of God is beautifully on display in her life in every way! I give praise to the Lord for you, my sweet sister-friend!

I am so thankful for the way that DeeDee welcomed me to Bay Area when we first arrived and saw my unique passion and put me to work right away doing what God has gifted me to do. We want that same thing for each and every one of you. EXPO 09 is just around the corner, girls, and we want each one of you to take advantage of this next opportunity to jump in to Janes with both feet. If you're not sure what you want to do, or how you're uniquely gifted, that's okay. Sometimes it takes time to figure it all out, but contact us anyway if you just want to be more involved and we can help direct you! You can reach me at seejanelead@yahoo.com if you have any questions, and as always, be sure to visit bafjanes.blogspot.com to get more information about all of our ministries.

And last but certainly not least, please be in prayer for me and for our whole team as we prayerfully spend the summer listening to what God has planned for Janes in 2009-2010! I can hardly wait to see what God has in store for us in this next season!
Looking forward!

Daphne Fine
Bay Area Fellowship JANES

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