Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Next JANES Meeting


The annual JANES Expo is just around the corner and the next leadership meeting is coming up! If you are a leader of a bevy, covey, hometeam, or if you serve on one of our Dream Teams, please make plans to join us for this meeting. We will be sharing with you some very important information about the Expo: the planning, the decor, the oh-so-fun pink wigs, and more! If you are planning on promoting your group during the Expo, you must attend this meeting or have a representative attend in order to reserve your spot.

This is always an exciting meeting because of the brainstorming power that comes with it. You are such amazing women with extraordinary gifts and talents and when we come together, God uses your ideas in powerful ways. So if you are not currently a leader but would like to join us for a fun afternoon of vision-casting and event planning, jump right in! We need each and every one of you in order to bless the women of BAF and invite them to be a part of what God is doing in this ministry.

**Important Meeting Info:**
Sunday, September 7th
The Beach (Children's Area)
2:30 PM

Childcare will be available by reservation only. Please email Virginia Williamson with your children's names and ages in order to secure your spot. If your children will be in the children's ministry for the 1:00 service, you may have to check them out and then check them back in for the meeting.

Refreshments will be served!


P.S. We have had some exciting ideas for new groups, but we are praying for more! If God has been nudging you to lead a bevy (special interest group), a covey (mission-minded group) or a women's hometeam, let us know!

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